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Entrepreneurial Thinking at JPCI
Related Subjects:
Business Education , Science
Social Issue:
Target Grade Level(s):
Grade / Year 10 , Grade / Year 11 , Grade / Year 12

How to get JPCI from a Silver rated Eco School to a Gold rated Eco School.


Completed a number of curricular and cross curricular activities such as:

1. Market Research and creation of marketing plan for Eco Team

2. Analyzed Energy audits within school

3. Studied the impact of plants on air quality

4. Able to initiate a Farmer's Market within the Senior Business Leadership Class

You can view examples of our Marketing Projects here!


This was a school wide initiative that all classes in different subject areas were asked to work towards a common goal. In addition to the classroom activities, we also worked with Students and Staff of the Eco Team. Also we worked with PACT on the Community Garden.

Contact Imran Mohamed